On Friday 19 November 2010 2:45:33 pm Tom Lane wrote:
> Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Now I understand. I wonder if this would be a good time to ask about
> > whether pg_restore could be made to work with plain-text files:)
> Not in any particularly useful way --- the plain text dump wouldn't
> really support selective restore, etc etc.

True, but I was thinking of something like:
  if $FILE_TYPE = plain_text
      echo 'This is a plain text file it will be passed to psql'
      echo 'It does not support all the features of a binary restore'
      dialog 'Do you wish to continue yes/no>'
      if yes
        psql $OPTIONS -f $FILE_NAME 
      # Where $OPTIONS are the -d -p -U and -h switches 
      continue with existing code path

> > ... Though I could see a shortcut that passes a plain text file to
> > psql or at least creates an error message that says:
> >
> > "Please use psql with the -f option to restore this file"
> Yeah, I was thinking a hint might be the most useful fix too.

That would help also.

>                       regards, tom lane

Adrian Klaver

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