On 16 Nov 2010, at 23:46, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Folks,
> Please help us resolve a discussion on -hackers.
> PostgreSQL 9.1 is likely to have, as a feature, the ability to create
> tables which are "unlogged", meaning that they are not added to the
> transaction log, and will be truncated (emptied) on database restart.
> Such tables are intended for highly volatile, but not very valuable,
> data, such as session statues, application logs, etc.
> The question is, how would you, as a DBA, expect pg_dump backups to
> treat unlogged tables? Backing them up by default has the potential to
> both cause performance drag on the unlogged table and make your backups
> take longer unless you remember to omit them. Not backing them up by
> default has the drawback that if you forget --include-unlogged switch,
> and shut the database down, any unlogged data is gone. How would you
> *expect* unlogged tables to behave?

>From the discussion so far it appears to me that "unlogged" should probably be 
>split into various gradations of unlogged. There appear to be a number of 
>popular use-cases for such tables, with different requirements, namely:

1. Session tables
These tables contain data about a user session in some application. It is 
temporary data at best, it's no problem to lose it at all. Dumping it makes no 

2. Staging tables
These tables contain data that's being processed and prepared to be entered 
into other tables in the database. If the process fails it can usually be 
restarted, so losing the data is no problem. Here as well, dumping makes little 

3. Logging tables
This is data from application logs. It's not usually mission critical, so 
losing it isn't a very big deal, but it is useful data of itself. It should in 
most cases survive a normal backend restart, but if it doesn't survive a 
backend crash that's acceptable. This data should in most cases be included in 
dumps (or dumped separately?).

4. Materialized views
Stored results of a query that's likely to have a big footprint on system 
resources. Losing the data after a backend crash is acceptable, but it should 
survive a normal system restart. Since the data can be generated from the 
contents of the database, it's not necessary to include it in dumps (but maybe 
it is convenient in some cases?)

I think this is the gist of it.
Which leads me to think that people want three knobs to play with: should the 
table be logged or not? Can it be truncated at normal server restart or not? 
Should it be included in dumps or not? And possibly, should it be fsynced or 

Of course, without WAL logs, PITR and WAL-based replication are out of the 
question for these tables. Also, since the data can be lost, they can't be 
referenced by foreign keys.

Does that sum it up adequately?

There's one thing that I didn't see mentioned and that I'm not sure fits into 
the picture here, namely read-only tables (materialized views would qualify for 
those in most cases).
These tables are written every once in a while by a system user, but it doesn't 
change in between at all. There's not much point in giving every user their own 
session, and it should be possible to assume all index entries point to a live 
record (which has consequences for COUNT(), for example).

Changing that has quite some implications though, I wager...

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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