Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On mån, 2010-11-15 at 11:06 +0200, Andrus wrote:
>>> Possibly someday the standard will actually standardize the things,
>>> and then maybe we can work with them usefully ...

>> From
>> so this is clearly standardized.

> Send a patch please.

Please note where the above-cited reference says

        The precise format and semantics of additional strings is
        implementation dependent.

The paragraphs following that get even vaguer.  In particular, while
the standard clearly envisions that non-numeric zone ids should be
equivalent to some numeric zone id, the mapping between them is not
specified.  Hence it's impossible to determine validity, let alone
test equality, except by reference to some specific implementation's

I really think this is something we shouldn't touch, at least not
till standard practices emerge.

                        regards, tom lane

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