On 11/15/10 21:10, Derrick Rice wrote:
Short answer: for simple commands, you can use shell-escaping of a
double-quoted string.

psql -c "\\copy \"Table\" from 'text file'"

This works on sh, but I tried this syntax on tcsh, it fails:

11:38am 72 g...@modular:~/sybase2postgres> psql -c "\\copy \"Table\" from 'text file'"
Unmatched ".

How to make it work on tcsh ?


Note: double \\ is intentional. You need to escape the backslash, which
normally escapes other special characters, like $ and ". Watch out for
other special characters though, which is why I prefer the long answer...

Long answer: A *nix shell will concatenate string literals that are
immediately following each other, even when they aren't the same type
(single quoted or double quoted).  So the following:

"abc"'def'hij"  (reads: double quote, abc, double quote, single quote,
def, single quote, double quote, hij, double quote)

is "abc" + 'def' + "hij" or "abcdefhij" to the shell

So if you have a single-quoted string, to insert a single quote you (1)
stop the single quoted string (2) start a double-quoted string (3) write
a single quote as the content of the double-quoted string (4) stop the
double-quoted string (5) restart the single quoted string.  All without
any spaces (unless they are inside either the double or single quoted
strings as part of your content).

You can obviously insert 2 consecutive single quotes within a single
double-quoted string - or any characters... just be aware you are in
double-quotes now, so you need to escape special characters or go back
to single quotes.

Your example:

psql -c ' Copy "Table" from '"'"'text file'"'"


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Gary Fu <g...@sigmaspace.com
<mailto:g...@sigmaspace.com>> wrote:


    How do I escape both " and ' to be used in the 'psql -c ' command ?
    For example, how to make the psql command {\copy "Table" from
    'txt_file'} to be used in the psql with -c option (psql -c) ?
    The "Table" has to be double quoted here.


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