
Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:

> So far as I can see offhand, the only way you'd get that error message
> is if to_tsquery were declared to take OID not regconfig as its first
> argument.
> > I suspect it has to do with the Tsearch2-compatibility modules from
> > contrib - these were compiled and installed to a couple of databases
> on
> > the old cluster; I haven't yet compiled and installed them to the
> > databases as I'd like to get rid of some dead weight in the
> > process.
> contrib/tsearch2 does provide a "to_tsquery(oid, text)" function ...
> I'm
> not sure why offhand, nor how come that's managing to show up in front
> of the standard definition in your search path.  Try dropping that.

Now I simply used the
postgresql-9.0.1/contrib/tsearch2/uninstall_tsearch2.sql to get rid of
the contrib DDL - that seems to have fixed the problem alright; maybe
we'll have to fix some of our code that may use some old function
signatures, but since we've switched to Sphinx for the more demanding
FTS tasks, we're not making as much use of TSearch2 as we used to,
> (Another question is why it wasn't failing already in your 8.3 DB.
> The behavior shouldn't be any different AFAICS.  Are you sure you
> are using the same search_path as before?)

Yes, as I simply copied my old postgresql.conf to the test server.
Strange, but as the primary problem seems to be solved alright, I'm
happy anyway :)

Kind regards


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