On 11/05/10 1:06 AM, Andrus wrote:
Only port 5432 is opened in server. Database can cloned using pg_dup /
If server is located in internet this requires huge amount of time and
you can't log onto the server, no ssh? thats a harsh constraint.
moving the data to another server will require significant amounts of
time and bandwidth, yes. I don't believe there's any way to avoid that.
How to clone database fast ?
How to create server side pl/pgsql script which use code like in
pg_dump/pg_restore and or in pg_migrator and clones existing database
or other idea ?
roughly, for every object in the database (pick through the pg_catalog),
create an equivalent table in the new database... wait. pl/pgsql
can't connect to another database, at least not without a package like
dblink ... then copy all the data from the source table to the
destination table.
This will have to move the same amount of data over the network to the
new server, there's no way to avoid that.
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