
This is the sql statement that causes the problem in Hibernate. It's actually 
generated by Hibernate.

select this_.ENTITY_ID as ENTITY1_54_0_, this_.objecthandle_id as 
objectha2_54_0_, this_.remoteId as remoteId55_0_, this_.MANAGEMENTSERVER_ID as 
MANAGEME2_55_0_, this_.configFile as configFile66_0_, this_.runtimeGUID as 
runtimeG2_66_0_, this_.name as name66_0_, this_.runtimeGuestOS as 
runtimeG4_66_0_, this_.configGuestOS as configGu5_66_0_, this_.configGuestId as 
configGu6_66_0_, this_.numCPU as numCPU66_0_, this_.numNIC as numNIC66_0_, 
this_.memory as memory66_0_, this_.cpuReservation as cpuRese10_66_0_, 
this_.cpuLimit as cpuLimit66_0_, this_.cpuShares as cpuShares66_0_, 
this_.cpuSharesLevel as cpuShar13_66_0_, this_.memReservation as 
memRese14_66_0_, this_.memLimit as memLimit66_0_, this_.memShares as 
memShares66_0_, this_.memSharesLevel as memShar17_66_0_, 
this_.diskSpaceConsumed as diskSpa18_66_0_, this_.diskSpaceScanned as 
diskSpa19_66_0_, this_.diskSpaceCommitted as diskSpa20_66_0_, this_.toolStatus 
as toolStatus66_0_, this_.toolVersion as toolVer22_66_0_, this_.ipAddress as 
ipAddress66_0_, this_.dnsName as dnsName66_0_, this_.state as state66_0_, 
this_.connectionState as connect26_66_0_, this_.expiryState as expiryS27_66_0_, 
this_.printEmbedded as printEm28_66_0_, this_.existsInInventory as 
existsI29_66_0_, this_.existsOnDiskEnum as existsO30_66_0_, 
this_.customizableOS as customi31_66_0_, this_.PARENTFOLDER_ID as 
PARENTF32_66_0_, this_.RUNTIMESERVER_ID as RUNTIME33_66_0_, 
this_.RESOURCEPOOL_ID as RESOURC34_66_0_, this_.DSBACKING_ID as 
as CLUSTER37_66_0_, this_.installedOs as install38_66_0_, this_.lastScanDate as 
lastSca39_66_0_, this_.lastLoginScanDate as lastLog40_66_0_, 
this_.poweredOffSince as powered41_66_0_, this_.lastLogonTime as 
lastLog42_66_0_, this_.lastLogonUser as lastLog43_66_0_, 
this_.containerSpaceUsed as contain44_66_0_, this_.logicalDiskSize as 
logical45_66_0_, this_.freeDiskSpace as freeDis46_66_0_, 
this_.freeDiskSpacePercent as freeDis47_66_0_, this_.cost as cost66_0_, 
this_.snapshots as snapshots66_0_, this_.earliestSnapshotDate as 
earlies50_66_0_, this_.earliestSnapshotName as earlies51_66_0_, 
this_.lastDatastoreScanDate as lastDat52_66_0_, this_.diskStorageTypeEnum as 
diskSto53_66_0_, this_.connectedMedia as connect54_66_0_, this_.compliant as 
compliant66_0_, this_.complianceIssue as complia56_66_0_, 
this_.nonCompliantTime as nonComp57_66_0_, (SELECT this_.cost/ 4 ) as 
formula4_0_, (SELECT this_.cost / 12 ) as formula5_0_ from INV_DEPLOYEDIMAGES 
this_ where (lower(this_.configGuestId) like ? escape '\')

The last statement I traced up to is the executeQuery() in an 
NewProxyPreparedStatement  instance (I use C3P0 connection pool with Hibernate),
the exception from this statement is 

JDBCExceptionReporter - ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'\')"

The unwrapped SQL exception is pretty much the same, complaining about the 
escape '\' at the end of the statement.

But if I use plain JDBC to connect to the same database, and run the same 
query, it's all fine!

Please help.

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