On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 11:54:25AM -0400, zhong ming wu wrote:
> I don't recall this being an issue with 8.4 I am also using
> Say your 8.1 server has SSL on.  Even though pg_hba.conf have
> host or hostnossl .... md5
> either server or 8.1 psql  insists that you have .postgresql/postgresql.*
> Does that make sense to you?
> Note: no "cert" in pg_hba.conf

no, that does not make sense to me, however, I don't have an 8.x to play with.

In 9.0.1, 
 with hostnossl+md5 
 no ~/.postgresql on the client 

$ psql -p 5498 template1 postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (9.0.1)
Type "help" for help.

template1=# \q

what is the postmaster msg exactly?

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