On 01/11/10 20:21, Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Jonathan Tripathy<jon...@abpni.co.uk> wrote:
On 01/11/10 20:01, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
Jonathan Tripathy wrote on 01.11.2010 20:53:
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for the best solution for "Hot Standbys" where once the
primary server fails, the standby will take over and act just like
the master did. The standby must support INSERTS and UPDATES as well
(once the master has failed)
Are there any solutions like this? Looking on the Postgresql site,
all the standby solutions seem to be read only..
9.0 has streaming replication and "Hot Standby"
But does that not only allow "read-only" things to work on the standby?
Yep. Generally when to fail over is considered a business decision.
I think only pgpool supports automatic failover but has a lot of
limitations to deal with otherwise.
So really Postgresql doesn't have any "Hot Standbys" that once fail-over
has occurred, the system can act as normal? For this, would I have to
looking in Xen or VMWare HA?
I'm guessing the standbys in the "warm-failover" setup allow write
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