On 11/1/2010 4:29 AM, Alexander Farber wrote:

I'm using CentOS 5.5 Linux with stock perl v5.8.8
and have installed DBD-Pg-2.17.1 via CPAN shell
and I'm using postgresql-server-8.4.5-1PGDG.rhel5.

I've prepared a simple test case demonstrating
my problem - it is listed at the bottom. It works ok,
when I remove {pg_async =>  PG_ASYNC}.

I have a small multiplayer game, a non-forking daemon
reading/writing to sockets and running in a IO::Poll loop.

I'd like to add player statistics to it, so I was hoping
that I could call the simple INSERT/UPDATE
statements asynchronously from the loop and
I don't need to fetch any results of those queries,
because displaying statistics will be done by
web scripts, not by my game daemon.

I.e. I would like to "fire and forget" queries.

But unfortunately I get the error:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: Cannot execute
until previous async query has finished
even though I'm not using PG_OLDQUERY_WAIT

Does anybody know what is wrong and
how would you use async queries with
poll()/select() loops anyway?

I can't even call "$dbh->pg_result if $sth->pg_ready",
on every loop iteration, because I can have
several queries running at that moment,
I don't want to iterate through a list of my $sth's...
This defeats my target of quick poll()-looping.


P.S. Here is my test case and it is also listed at

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg qw(:async);

use constant DBNAME =>  'snake';
use constant DBUSER =>  'snake';
use constant DBPASS =>  'snake';

use constant SQL_CREATE_TABLES =>  q{
         create table pref_users (
                 id varchar(32) primary key,
                 first_name varchar(32),
                 last_name varchar(32),
                 female boolean,
                 avatar varchar(128),
                 city varchar(32),
                 lat real check (-90<= lat and lat<= 90),
                 lng real check (-90<= lng and lng<= 90),
                 last_login timestamp default current_timestamp,
                 last_ip inet,
                 medals smallint check (medals>  0)

         create table pref_rate (
                 obj varchar(32) references pref_users(id),
                 subj varchar(32) references pref_users(id),
                 good boolean,
                 fair boolean,
                 nice boolean,
                 about varchar(256),
                 last_rated timestamp default current_timestamp

         create table pref_money (
                 id varchar(32) references pref_users,
                 yw char(7) default to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-WW'),
                 money real
         create index pref_money_yw_index on pref_money(yw);

         create table pref_pass (
                 id varchar(32) references pref_users

         create table pref_misere (
                 id varchar(32) references pref_users

         create or replace function pref_update_users(_id varchar,
             _first_name varchar, _last_name varchar, _female boolean,
             _avatar varchar, _city varchar, _last_ip inet) returns
void as $BODY$

                 update pref_users set
                     first_name = _first_name,
                     last_name = _last_name,
                     female = _female,
                     avatar = _avatar,
                     city = _city,
                     last_ip = _last_ip
                 where id = _id;

                 if not found then
                         insert into pref_users(id, first_name,
                             last_name, female, avatar, city, last_ip)
                         values (_id, _first_name, _last_name,
                             _female, _avatar, _city, _last_ip);
                 end if;
         $BODY$ language plpgsql;

eval {
         my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached('dbi:Pg:dbname=' .
             DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS, {
             AutoCommit =>  1,
             PrintWarn =>  1,
             PrintError =>  1,
             RaiseError =>  1,
             FetchHashKeyName =>  'NAME_lc',
             pg_enable_utf8 =>  1
         }, {pg_async =>  PG_ASYNC});

         $dbh->do(SQL_CREATE_TABLES, {pg_async =>  PG_ASYNC});
warn $@ if $@;

for my $i (1..10) {
         eval {
                 my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached('dbi:Pg:dbname=' .
                     DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS, {
                     AutoCommit =>  1,
                     PrintWarn =>  1,
                     PrintError =>  1,
                     RaiseError =>  1,
                     FetchHashKeyName =>  'NAME_lc',
                     pg_enable_utf8 =>  1
                 }, {pg_async =>  PG_ASYNC});


                 my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(
                     q{select pref_update_users(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
NULL)}, {pg_async =>  PG_ASYNC});

                 $sth->execute('ID123', 'Alexander', 'Farber', undef,
undef, undef);
         warn $@ if $@;

I believe one database connection can have one async query going at a time.

I dont see anyplace in the docs that connect (or connect_cached) supports PG_ASYNC.

Each iteration of your loop is blowing away the previous values, which should cause problems. I assume this is just test code? Is your real code really going to connection 10 times per person? You wont be able to support very many concurrent users that way. The code above might work if you switched it arrays (@dbh and @sth).

Async queries gives you the ability to fire one query, let the db work on it while you do something else, and them come back to it. You need to think about your layout (cuz I'm betting your example code does not reflect what you really want to do).

Even with async querys, you eventually have to call $dbh->pg_result, so its not going to be fire and forget. To really do fire and forget, and totally take the stats processing away from game play processing, I'd suggest an event queue (or rpc), like zeromq, PGQ or gearman.


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