looks like it backfired...they've reset the graph
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bruno Dickhoff
> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 3:11 PM
> To: Bill Barnes
> Subject: Re[2]: [[GENERAL] Please vote for postgresql!!!]
> Hello Bill,
> Sunday, December 03, 2000, 9:18:12 PM, you wrote:
> BB> Thanks for the tip. Looked good enough to sign up for an account.
> BB> The numbers I saw gave postgesql a significant lead.
> So, my appeal for voting did it's job! Before I posted the mail,
> mysql was leading at
> 1200 to 450 (and 430 for interbase). Now it is 1461 for pgsql,
> 1.254 for mysql
> and 432 for interbase...
> I hope all of us will frequently take a look at
http://www.mycgiserver.com so
things won't get turned upside down again ;-)).
Best regards,
Bruno mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]