On Oct 22, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:

> Instead, maintain a counter, either in the main customer record or in an 
> associated (customer_id, counter) side table if you want to reduce potential 
> lock contention. Write a simple SQL function that uses an UPDATE ... 
> RETURNING statement to grab a new ID from the counter and increment it. Use 
> that function instead of 'nextval(seqname)' when you want an ID. The UPDATE 
> will take a lock out on the customer row (or side-table row if you did it 
> that way) that'll prevent anyone else updating it until the transaction 
> commits or rolls back.

Thanks for the suggestion. It seems like there should be a safe way to use 
max() instead of a separate counter though, as long as I can guarantee that 
invoice numbers never change and invoices are never deleted. Right?
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