I'm trying to load data from a csv file via copy command into a table with the first column record_id specified NOT NULL (this is a serial field defined as follows: ALTER TABLE records ADD COLUMN record_id integer; ALTER TABLE records ALTER COLUMN record_id SET STORAGE PLAIN; ALTER TABLE records ALTER COLUMN record_id SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE records ALTER COLUMN record_id SET DEFAULT nextval('records_record_id_seq'::regclass);
Since my inport data in the csv files have no value for the first field and look like this ,1015,1,0,0,0,0.... I get this ERROR: null value in column "record_id" violates not-null constraint What is the best way to load my data via copy into the db and get the record_id field auto filled (with the next id value in squence) ? I'm trying this using the following command: copy records from '/var/data/import1.csv' using delimiters ',' with null as ''; Karsten Vennemann Terra GIS LTD Seattle, WA 98112 USA <http://www.terragis.net> www.terragis.net