On Wednesday 20 October 2010 9:48:39 pm Neil D'Souza wrote:
> > You have same plpgsql identifiers as sql identifiers, and because
> > plpgsql identifiers has higher priority, your query is broken. For
> > simple functions like this don't use a plpgsql language - use sql
> > language instead.
> Thank you for the quick reply. The example I constructed was
> specifically for this post. I modified the function as below and it
> works fine now. It would be great if the point you mentioned was a
> note in the PGSQL Documentation (or did I miss it). In case I didnt
> miss it, Is there anyone I have to write to, to help get this note in?

For the record it is in the docs twice:


PL/pgSQL will substitute for any identifier matching one of the function's 
declared variables; it is not bright enough to know whether that's what you 
meant! Thus, it is a bad idea to use a variable name that is the same as any 
table, column, or function name that you need to reference in commands within 
the function. For more discussion see Section 38.10.1. "


"The substitution mechanism will replace any token that matches a known 
variable's name. This poses various traps for the unwary. For example, it is a 
bad idea to use a variable name that is the same as any table or column name 
that you need to reference in queries within the function, because what you 
think is a table or column name will still get replaced. In the above example, 
suppose that logtable has column names logtxt and logtime, and we try to write 
the INSERT as...


Adrian Klaver

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