On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:28:18PM +0100, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
- On 20/10/2010 23:22, David Kerr wrote:
- >I know I've seen posts on how to do this, but i can't seem to find them.
- >
- >I've got a data set
- >
- >A, B
- >A, C
- >A, D
- >[...]
- >
- >and so on
- >
- >and i'd like to be able to wite a query that would result in
- >
- >1,A,B
- >2,A,C
- >3,A,D
- >[...]
- >
- >PG version is 8.3.
- >
- >Any ideas?
- You probably want generate_series():
-    http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/functions-srf.html
- Ray.

I thought, so. what would that look like?

select generate_series(1,select count(*) from table), field1, field2 from table
doesn't work.. 



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