On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Mike Christensen <m...@kitchenpc.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, in my typical "ignore the rules when I have an audience of
> smart techie people", I thought I'd poll the group about software load
> balancing.  I know next to nothing about it, but I'm deploying my site
> (built on Postgres 9.0 now!) within the next few days and at least
> want a simple solution.
> I'll be running a load balancer on a cheap, 256MB virtual server
> instance running whatever flavor of Linux.  I want something super
> simple to setup, but perhaps something with more advanced features if
> I want to expand.  I don't really need sticky sessions, or SSL
> support.  The site is new and won't have a huge load, I just want to
> be "prepared" in case I get flooded unexpectedly.
> Am I best off just using Apache with mod_proxy_balancer, or should I
> check into solutions such as HAProxy or IPVS?  Anything else good out
> there that people can recommend?

A friend of mine recommends Pound.

> Another "nice to have" would be a solution where the load balancer
> could serve up static resources such as jpg, png, js/css files, and
> only forward dynamic page requests to a random web server.  However, I
> might move those files to a CDN anyway, so not a huge deal.  Thanks!!
> Sorry for being off-topic, I'll make up for it somehow.

Build a light apache server and use mod proxy to reverse proxy the dir
where your dynamic pages come from on a heavy server.
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.

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