On 09/29/2010 12:10 PM, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
On Wed, 29 Sep 2010, Christian Ramseyer wrote:
Hi List
I have a largish partitioned table, it has ~60 million records in each
of 12 partitions. It appears that a Full Text Index could speed up
some user queries a lot.
A quick test with an additional tsvector column revealed that this
would take up around 35 GB of space for this column and then maybe 5
more for the gin index on it. As this is a lot of space (~ 480 GB),
I'm a bit tempted to use a gin index without the separate tsvector
column. However, the doc says that this will be slower.
do you have problem with disk space ? Searching index is usually very fast
operation, only small part of index readed. Did you checked time to read
index ?
Hi Oleg, thanks for your reply,
Well I could get the disk space, but it's on a corporate SAN so it's a
bit tedious. I didn't compare directly so far since even creating both
index versions for only a single partition would bring me close to the
space limit and also take maybe 20 hours or so. So my idea was to ask
here first if I'm looking at a "a few percent" or a "orders of
magnitude" difference. But of course, if there isn't enough feeback for
an informed decision I'll either try both or just go with the
space-intensive variant to be on the safe side, user experience is
certainly more important than disk usage.
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