On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net> wrote:
> On 9/29/2010 11:31 AM, Henri De Feraudy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been writing an application that allows me to edit simple maps. It
>> involves Postgis but here I think I have run into
>> a basic Postgres consideration.
>> I did a bit of editing of a map which involved creating a polygon with a
>> selection, inserting into a database and reloading
>> the "layer" where this geometric information lies.
>> There I was editing quite happily for about an hour and a half. I left
>> my application and came back to it in the evening:
>> all my work was lost.
>> Could this be due to the fact I had not committed my insertions to the
>> database?
>> I mean, if you are inserting into a table from PLPGSQL do you have to do
>> an explicit commit at some stage?
>> I'm really quite a newbie as you can see.
> Yes, you really must commit.
> Now, sometimes, some languages/tools will "help" you and autocommit.  It
> depends on what language/tools/etc you are using.

yes...one more note about this:  It is absolutely never (IMNSHO) a
good idea to intentionally hold transactions open while waiting on
user input except for testing purposes.


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