On 29 September 2010 10:22,  <p...@bastian-s.de> wrote:
> Hello List,
> a lot of recherche and no answer so far. So my question to you:
> Is it possible to set up ONE PostgreSQL 9 to serve as a streaming
> replication provider (Master) and receiver (client) at the same time?
> Can i configure both to
> * accept 'insert into ...' & stream that changes out (usual master)
> * catch streaming from another streaming ?
> My application:
> * Two servers acquire measurements at the same time into one table.
> * No risk of conflicts!
> * No need of standby skills (for now).

It sounds like you're after a multi-master setup, but that's not
possible (at least not at the moment).  Unless you're talking about
chainable slaves where slaves can stream data to other slaves, which I
think it also not currently possible.

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
Registered Linux user: #516935

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