Brian Hirt <> writes:
> I'm testing pg_upgrade out and ran into a couple of problems.   First when I 
> did pg_upgrade --check I got the tsearch2 tables preventing the upgrade from 
> happening:
> Database:  testdatabase
>   public.pg_ts_dict.dict_init
>   public.pg_ts_dict.dict_lexize
>   public.pg_ts_parser.prs_start
>   public.pg_ts_parser.prs_nexttoken
>   public.pg_ts_parser.prs_end
>   public.pg_ts_parser.prs_headline
>   public.pg_ts_parser.prs_lextype

> For testing, at this point I really didn't care about tsearch, so I simply 
> dropped those tables so I could revisit them later -- however, I'm confused 
> about these tables in general, both pg_catalog.pg_ts_parser and 
> public.pg_ts_parser exist with different, albeit similar, schemas.   I think 
> that the table in public is no longer used and was a remnant from pre-8.3 
> when tsearch2 wasn't part of the distribution, can anyone confirm this?

Correct, you should just drop the ones that aren't in pg_catalog.

> Anyway, after removing the tsearch tables, I did pg_upgrade --check again and 
> it said the clusters were compatible. I proceeded to run the upgrade command 
> and it bombed out in the "Restoring user relation files" section.

That sure looks like a bug, but there's not enough info here to
diagnose.  Is there actually a pg_toast.pg_toast_2147483647 table
in the 8.4 cluster?  (I'm betting not.)  Could you try extracting
a test case?  I wonder whether "pg_dump -s" from the 8.4 database,
loaded into a fresh 8.4 database, would be enough to reproduce.

                        regards, tom lane

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