Hi Romain,

Assuming you have PostGIS installed and position is defined as a point or 
multpoint ADT then you could use the ST_Intersect operator

FROM map
WHERE ST_Intersects(position, 'MULTIPOINT(-1 -1,1 -1,1 1,-1 1)');



On 2010-09-26, at 12:27 PM, Romain Billoir wrote:

> Hi, i'm trying to request a database using data type "point" using keyword 
> "IN" with a list of point generated by PHP, like this:
> 'SELECT * FROM map WHERE position IN ((point(-1,-1), (point(1,-1), 
> point(1,1), point(-1,1))'
> but this request returns me an error: operator doesn't exist point = point.
> so i tried to use a path unstead of list of point like this:
> 'SELECT * FROM map WHERE position <@ path '(point(-1,-1), (point(1,-1), 
> point(1,1), point(-1,1))'
> but this request returns me the point 0,0???
> Is anybody have a suggestions?
> Thanks.

Andrew Hunter PEng RPSurv PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Geomatics Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering
University of Calgary

T: +403.220.7377
F: +403.284.1980
E: ahunter (at) ucalgary (dot) ca

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