> "Andrus" <kobrule...@hot.ee> writes:
>> Should I try 9.0 release

> No, it's still busted in HEAD :-(.  Probably won't be too hard to fix,
> but I need to go find the bug.

Here's the patch if it helps.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c 
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,32 ----
  #include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
  #include "optimizer/paths.h"
  #include "optimizer/planmain.h"
+ #include "optimizer/var.h"
  /* local functions */
  static bool join_is_removable(PlannerInfo *root, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo);
*************** join_is_removable(PlannerInfo *root, Spe
*** 197,212 ****
!        * Similarly check that the inner rel doesn't produce any 
!        * that will be used above the join.
        foreach(l, root->placeholder_list)
                PlaceHolderInfo *phinfo = (PlaceHolderInfo *) lfirst(l);
!               if (bms_is_subset(phinfo->ph_eval_at, innerrel->relids) &&
!                       !bms_is_subset(phinfo->ph_needed, joinrelids))
!                       return false;
--- 198,220 ----
!        * Similarly check that the inner rel isn't needed by any 
!        * that will be used above the join.  We only need to fail if such a PHV
!        * actually references some inner-rel attributes; but the correct check
!        * for that is relatively expensive, so we first check against 
!        * which must mention the inner rel if the PHV uses any inner-rel attrs.
        foreach(l, root->placeholder_list)
                PlaceHolderInfo *phinfo = (PlaceHolderInfo *) lfirst(l);
!               if (bms_is_subset(phinfo->ph_needed, joinrelids))
!                       continue;                       /* PHV is not used 
above the join */
!               if (!bms_overlap(phinfo->ph_eval_at, innerrel->relids))
!                       continue;                       /* it definitely 
doesn't reference innerrel */
!               if (bms_overlap(pull_varnos((Node *) phinfo->ph_var),
!                                               innerrel->relids))
!                       return false;           /* it does reference innerrel */

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