Le 23/09/2010 01:28, Scott Ribe a écrit :
> The what's new in 9.0 document on the wiki is great. Is there anything 
> similar for 8.4 & 8.3 & so on?

Nope, that's the first time we have this. Marc Cousin already did this
in french for the 8.4 release. Unfortunately, it's only available in
french. For those reading french, it's available here:


> I haven't had time to take advantage of all new features for a while. (Always 
> read the release notes, just couldn't do much about them.) And now I'm 
> looking at it being a good time to really update my dbs...

You can probably find some technical articles in some IT magazines. I
wrote some in France since the 8.3 release, I suppose you can find the
same in an english magazine.


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