Subject: Data Model Advice All,
My data modeling and SQL are oftentimes woefully inadequate, and I am seeking advice on how to implement a particular database design. My database (so far) is comprised of the following types of tables: The parts table contains parts of a particular type primary key is an alphanumeric part number, some with dashes. Table "" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------- partno | character varying(64) | not null partno_raw | character varying(64) | default NULL::character varying boxno | integer | not null slotno | integer | not null Indexes: "pk_parts" PRIMARY KEY, btree (partno) The parts_subs table contains part numbers different manufacturers that are identical to something that already exists in the parts table Table "public.parts_subs" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+-----------------------+-------------------- partno | character varying(64) | not null partsub | character varying(64) | not null partsub_raw | character varying(64) | not null boxno | integer | not null slotno | integer | not null Indexes: "pk_parts_subs" PRIMARY KEY, btree (partno, partsub) I'm trying to determine, and I'm seeking advice on: How to maintain the original part number format but create the primary key with only alphanumeric. I currently have a 'before insert or update' trigger to strip the non-alphanumeric characters, but it doesn't permit the insertion of a record because it is null on insert (for some reason). The trigger function, which I'm trying to make as flexible as possible, is: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fixup_partnumbers() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $fixup_partnumbers$ BEGIN IF (STRPOS(TG_TABLE_NAME, '_subs') > 0) THEN NEW.partsub := REGEXP_REPLACE(NEW.partsub_raw, E'(\\W|_)', '', 'g'); ELSE NEW.partno := REGEXP_REPLACE(NEW.partno_raw, E'(\\W|_)', '', 'g'); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $fixup_partnumbers$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Thank you in advance for any advice and assistance you can provide. -- Gary Chambers -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: