On 09/15/2010 08:53 AM, Carlos Mennens wrote:
I saw in the documentation for PostgreSQL that I can add 'comments' to
table entries when creating columns:


CREATE TABLE weather (
     city            varchar(80),
     temp_lo         int,           -- low temperature
     temp_hi         int,           -- high temperature
     prcp            real,          -- precipitation
     date            date

I did a search and don't understand in what aspect are the 'comments'
relevant / visible? I don't see the comments when I attempt to list /
describe the table with \d weather;

Any suggestions?

Don't confuse "--" with "COMMENT ON".

A -- is SQL's comment "character", like # in Bash, // in C, etc. so you can comment the SQL statements in your code.

The "COMMENT ON" statement lets you add descriptions to database objects (tables, individual columns, etc.). See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-comment.html for more on the COMMENT statement.


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