On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Dann Corbit <dcor...@connx.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-general-
>> ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of John R Pierce
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8:41 PM
>> To: Michael Hull
>> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Search then Delete Performance
>>   On 09/14/10 5:55 PM, Michael Hull wrote:
>> > So fairly simply, I have a daemon running on a machine, which
>> accesses
>> > this DB. Clients connect and request the details for say 1000
>> > simulations, at which point the daemon takes 1000 entries from the
>> > unassigned table and moves them to the assigned table. The once the
>> > client is finished with those jobs, it signals this to the daemon,
>> > which then move those jobs from 'assigned' to 'complete'.
>> >
>> > So this is fairly simple to implement, but my problem is that it is
>> very slow.
>> >
>> >
>> instead of moving data from one table to another, it might be better to
>> just have a table of simulations, then another table which just
>> contains
>> the PK of each simulation, and a flag that says its assigned or
>> unassigned (and maybe the client its assigned to?  and anything else
>> thats related to this assignment?)...   so instead of moving your big
>> table rows, which involves deleting them from one table and inserting
>> them into another, you just update the row of this small table.   if
>> you
>> create this small table with a fillfactor like 75%, the updates likely
>> will easily be handled by HOT
> Or just a status integer in the main table along the lines of:
> 1 = unassigned
> 2 = assigned
> 3 = running
> 4 = completed
> Etc.
> And then update the status as appropriate and check the status as needed.
> If you want until a batch is done, you would also be able to update like this:
>        UPDATE jobs SET status = 4 WHERE status = 3
> As you like, with a single statement.
> There are lots of job schedulers on SOURCEFORGE.
> http://sourceforge.net/search/?words=scheduler+workflow&type_of_search=soft&sort=latest_file_date&sortdir=desc&limit=100

Thanks everyone for the input - I will have an investigate


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