On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Richard Broersma <richard.broer...@gmail.com>
> You'd want to use "ALTER USER"
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/sql-alteruser.html
> So:

I find it strange when I am logged in as super user 'postgres' and
type the exact syntax but after 'carlos' above, for some reason it no
longer auto completes 'WITH' for some reason. Then when I manually
just type the word 'WITH' even though the tab auto-complete didn't
recognize it. I then type 'ENCRY' and press the tab key, PostgreSQL
for some odd reason changes the syntax of 'ENCRY' to 'RECURSIVE'. I
don't understand this database behavior & understand that I can
manually just type everything you posted above and the command works
but I depend on auto complete and this doesn't make any sense.

Am I doing something wrong for why PostgreSQL just randomly alters my
input when I press the 'tab' key?

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