Have you checked the OVERLAPS operator in the documentation?


Jorge Godoy     <jgo...@gmail.com>

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:03, Ketema Harris <ket...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,  I have a table defined as:
> (
>        id serial PRIMARY KEY,
>        start_time timestamp without timezone,
>        duration integer
> )
> A sample data set I am working with is:
>      start_time      | duration |       end_time
> ---------------------+----------+---------------------
>  2006-08-28 16:55:11 |       94 | 2006-08-28 16:56:45
>  2006-08-28 16:56:00 |       63 | 2006-08-28 16:57:03
>  2006-08-28 16:56:02 |       25 | 2006-08-28 16:56:27
>  2006-08-28 16:56:20 |       11 | 2006-08-28 16:56:31
>  2006-08-28 16:56:20 |       76 | 2006-08-28 16:57:36
>  2006-08-28 16:56:29 |       67 | 2006-08-28 16:57:36
>  2006-08-28 16:56:45 |       21 | 2006-08-28 16:57:06
>  2006-08-28 16:56:50 |       44 | 2006-08-28 16:57:34
>  2006-08-28 16:56:50 |       36 | 2006-08-28 16:57:26
>  2006-08-28 16:56:53 |       26 | 2006-08-28 16:57:19
>  2006-08-28 16:56:57 |       55 | 2006-08-28 16:57:52
>  2006-08-28 16:57:28 |        1 | 2006-08-28 16:57:29
>  2006-08-28 16:57:42 |       17 | 2006-08-28 16:57:59
>  2006-08-28 16:57:46 |       28 | 2006-08-28 16:58:14
>  2006-08-28 16:58:25 |       51 | 2006-08-28 16:59:16
>  2006-08-28 16:58:31 |       20 | 2006-08-28 16:58:51
>  2006-08-28 16:58:35 |       27 | 2006-08-28 16:59:02
> generated by the query:
> SELECT start_time, duration, to_timestamp((extract(epoch from start_time) +
> duration))::timestamp as end_time
> FROM demo
> ORDER BY start_time, duration, 3;
> My goal is: To find the maximum number of concurrent rows over an arbitrary
> interval.  Concurrent is defined as overlapping in their duration.  Example
> from the set above: Assume the desired interval is one day.  Rows 1 and 2
> are concurrent because row 2's start_time is within the duration of row 1.
>  If you go through the set the max concurrency is 5 (this is a guess cause I
> did it visually and may have miscounted). I took a scan of how I tried to
> solve it manually and attached the image.  I tried using timelines to
> visualize the start, duration, and end of each row then looked for where
> they overlapped.
> My desired output set would be:
> max_concurrency     |     interval   (in this case grouped by day)
> --------------------+-----------------
>        5           |   2006-08-28
> if the interval for this set were different, say 30 minutes, then I would
> expect to see something like:
> max_concurrency     |     interval
> --------------------+--------------------------------------------
>        0           |   2006-08-28 00:00:00 - 2006-08-28 00:29:59
>        0           |   2006-08-28 00:30:00 - 2006-08-28 00:59:59
>        0           |   2006-08-28 01:00:00 - 2006-08-28 01:29:59
>                        .......continues.....
>        0           |   2006-08-28 16:00:00 - 2006-08-28 16:29:59
>        5           |   2006-08-28 16:30:00 - 2006-08-28 16:59:59
> I think that a query that involves a window could be used to solve this
> question as the documentation says:
> "A window function call represents the application of an aggregate-like
> function over some portion of the rows selected by a query...the window
> function is able to scan all the rows that would be part of the current
> row's group according to the grouping specification...."
> I am hoping that someone with more experience could help devise a way to do
> this with a query.  Thanks in advance.
> --
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