On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 03:31, Brendan Hill <brend...@jims.net> wrote:
> We're about to purchase a new server for our Postgres 8.4 database. We’d
> like to go with Windows 64bit for possible future developments, but are
> happy to stick with 32bit Postgres + Npgsql, ODBC, OpenSSL, slony2 and
> libxml2, libpq.
> I understand that Postgres 32bit runs fine in Windows 64bit, but I’m
> concerned about whether all of the extra components will. I don’t want to
> run into any compatibility issues, and I certainly don’t want to have to
> recompile any components manually. Happy to run all components in 32 bit.

In general, as long as you run *all* components in 32-bit mode, things
will be fine. It's only when you start mixing 32 and 64-bit that
things can go bad. You can have 64-bit client/32-bit server or the
other way around, but mixing 32 and 64 bit components *within* the
server or *within* the client will make things a lot harder.

Also note that PostgreSQL 9.0 will be available natively 64-bit on Windows.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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