On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 17:06 +0200, Denis BUCHER wrote:
> Le 25.08.2010 09:15, wstrzalka a crit :
> > I'm currently playing with very large data import using COPY from
> > file.
> >
> > As this can be extremely long operation (hours in my case) the nice
> > feature would be some option to show operation progress - how many
> > rows were already imported.
> >
> > Or maybe there is some way to do it? As long as postgres have no read-
> > uncommited I think I can estimate it only by destination table size ??
> By the way, did you try to optimize your postgresql server ?
> In my case I was able to reduce a big data update from :
> 1 hour 15 minutes
> to :
> 5 minutes
> Without even changing any line of data or code in sql !
> Incredible, isn't it ?

Curious- what postgresql.conf settings did you change to improve it?

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