Hello Benjamin,

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 16:32 -0700, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> Is there a way to update a number of databases hosted on a single server 
> without opening a separate psql connection to each database? 

I believe you are more interested in applying an atomic update for all
databases rather than specifically the problem of separate psql
connections to each database. Is that correct ?

> This way we can be sure that either all the databases are in synch, or that 
> we 
> need to rollback the program patch/update. 

> simultaneous connections, is there a way to run all the transactions for a 
> single server for all databases within it on a single (or small number) of 
> connections? 

It would be easy to extend the ChronicDB live database schema update
system to support an atomic schema change across a multitude of

> Is there a better way?

ChronicDB replicates a database to use a new schema in the background.
When the schema change completes and few incremental changes remain,
active transactions are temporarily paused and then rerouted to the new
schema. This currently works for a schema change of a single database,
but the parallel update you are requesting could be supported.

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