For the same data set, with mostly text data, how does the data (table + index) 
size of Postgresql compared to that of MySQL?

In this presentation, the largest blog site in Japan talked about their 
migration from Postgresql to MySQL. One of their reasons for moving away from 
Postgresql was that data size in Postgresql was too large (p. 12 & p. 41). 
Specifically they talked about index being 40% of total data size:

Are there any reasons why table & index sizes of Postgresql should be larger 
than MySQL? Postgresql uses MVCC while InnoDB does not use "full" MVCC, so 
perhaps that's a factor there.

Does anyone have any actual experience about how the data sizes of Postgresql & 
MySQL compare to each other?

The company in the presentation used Postgresql 8.1. Has there been any 
significant changes in data size between 8.1 and 8.4/9.0?



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