In response to zhong ming wu :
> Hello List,
> I have a plpgsql function returning a set of records.  The record is
> effectively a join of some tables.
> For example, table a (column a1,column a2,column a3,column a4)
> table b(column b1,column b2,column b4)
> I am returning a set of (a2,a4,b2). What I do now is to create a empty table
> foo(column a2,column a4,column b2)
> then in my function I have
> record r foo%rowtype
> I'm not happy with this solution because this foo tables has to be kept around
> Thanks for any better solution to this

You can create a aown typ or you can use IN/OUT-Parameters. I'm
prefering IN/OUT-Parameters, see here:

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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