hi.. 1 ############################################# we test pgpool-II with Shared Storage (Active-Standby).. pgpool-II test( Active rac1 ( Stadnby rac2 ( 2 ############################################# we have question... 1> ============================ when, power-off rac1 -> pgpool-II failover_command='/tmp/failover1.sh' execute, --> rac2 filesystem mount (/u03/postgres), and postgres start --->and, client can connect DB (in rac2) <=== It's ok... 2> ============================ and then, boot rac1, and then , power-off rac2 -> pgpool-II failover_command'/tmp/failover2.sh' execute --> rac1 filesystem mount (/u03/postgres), and postgres start , ---> BUT, client can not connect DB (in rac1) <=== this is our problem..., <=== so, we restart pgpool-II (not postgresql)...... and then client can connect DB... 3 ############################################# Could you teach me, Is this expected behavior ? and, how can we overcome this issue... Thanks.. noh019님의 블로그 안녕하세요. noh019님의 블로그 안녕하세요.