On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 13:17 -0400, Michael C Rosenstein wrote:
> Hello. We are new to Postgres, and are in the process of migrating our 
> project's app from Oracle.
> I have been using Embarcadero's ER/Studio as a data modeling/DDL tool 
> for >15 years (and love it!), but its support for Postgres 8.4 is weak 
> (e.g., missing many datatypes, no function-based indexes, no partial 
> indexes, etc, etc). I don't get the impression that they're in a rush to 
> improve it, either.
> Can anyone recommend a mature modeling/CASE tool with good support for 
> recent Postgres features?

Eclipse has great modeling tools that work with PostgreSQL.


> Thanks much!
> /mcr

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