"Richard" <husttrip...@vip.sina.com> writes:
> After restoring from online backup and archive xlog files, I query pg_proc 
> using SQL: select * from pg_proc where proname = 'xxx' and oid = XXX. I got 
> no result back, but when using SQL:select * from pg_proc where proname = 
> 'xxx', I got what I want, and the result OID is just the one in the first 
> SQL.Then I reindex pg_proc, retry the first SQL, the result is correct.
> Any one konw what is the matter?  How can I solve this without reindexing the 
> table!

Well, apparently you did the restore incorrectly, leading to an
inconsistent index on pg_proc.  Since you proided no details about how
you did that, it's hard to say more.

                        regards, tom lane

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