I sent this a few days ago, and haven't heard any response.
Apologies if this went out to the list but I don't see any way to
search the archives, and I'm still looking for some answers.
Hi folks,
I'm building a new server with postgres/phppgadmin, and having
trouble getting the dumps to work properly. This is my first time
installing postgres, so I very well may have missed something.
I just corrected the paths to pg_dump and pg_dumpall.
By the way, what's "relog" mean in the error message:
Export error: Failed to execute pg_dump (given path in your
conf/config.inc.php :
/usr/bin/pg_dump). Please, fix this path in your
configuration and relog.
I rebooted the server just to be sure.
Unfortunately, though having the correct paths helped a fair bit,
it's not working correctly when performing an export in phppgadmin.
Data / Copy / Show or Download = OK
Data / SQL / show or download = blank
Structure / SQL / Show or download = OK
Structure and data / copy /show or downlad = OK
Structure and data / SQL /show or downlad = blank
Anyone know what's up?
Bill Christensen
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