Greg Smith wrote:
Set "-c 300" when you run pgtune and it will do the right thing here.

regarding tuning a database we had a rather neat tool for oracle some
years ago that would connect to a live database and monitor the QEP
(query execution plan) cache for badly indexed queries etc.

It would use this information (with the schema meta data) to suggest
creation and deletion of indices or norm or denorm of tables.

At the time is was around 3K per seat but because of the size of the schema
and project it saved a lot more than it cost -custoemr paid BTW :-)

IIRC it was used over a dialup (dialback) ppp tunnel into a customers systems
so net/db overheads were pretty light.

In the month or two it was running it made very few "wrong" suggestions
but was not a tool to be used by a non DBA.

My questions is - is there anything out there "similar" for Pg?

I was looking at using pgpool as something to build a query profile from.
Then roll some perl code to build QEP's for this "cache".
Then semi-manual analysis of the output - which could end up
as gigs of execution plans :-(


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