Reko Turja schrieb:
i've just compiled a new Jail at my FreeBDS 7.0-STABLE machine and
trying to get PostgreSQL 9.0 Beta 4 running. Compiling etc works fine.
Is the machine really running a pre-RELENG 7.0?
As far as i now, we used the 7.0 versions some month after their
release. So: no.
When i look in, i see in the welcome message:
FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE (GENERIC) #1: Fri Aug 15 19:33:13 CEST 2008
That are 6 months after initial release of 7.0.
But when i call the initdb, i get "Bad System Call" messages. Here is
the output:
The system throwing out a coredump instead of failing gracefully
suggests an OS bug and as you are seemingly running an ancient
development branch, that seems even quite plausible.
I'm running a development *jail* at the *same* machine like the
live-database. The live-database works greats. There is also a second
jail were a postgresql-instance is running. In both i can use Postgresql
(versions 8.3 and 8.4) without any limitations. But in the third-jail i
get the problems.
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