On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Joshua J. Kugler <jos...@eeinternet.com>wrote:

> So, a "getting started" guide and/or cookbook would be great.  Another
> cool idea: a MySQL -> PostgreSQL migration guide (I'm sure there's
> already one out there) that would show "To do *this* MySQL function in
> PostgreSQL, use this function/feature/etc."  A good example is
> auto_increment -> serial. A comparison/contrast of permission would be
> good too. I'm sure others can think of more examples.

+1 on this.
This is very interesting from the point-of-view of transitioning MySQL
webapps to Postgres. The truth is that for a lot of people, MySQL is their
first DB (because of loads of pre-existing software. Refer to my thread
"Which CMS/Ecommerce/shopping cart"). When we are ready to move to PG, we
are already used to the MySQL way of doing things.

Take for example, the mysql command "*show databases"*. A commonly taught PG
equivalent is "*\l*". But, instead of mnemonics, I suppose "select datname
from pg_database;" would be more intuitive and easier to remember. Yes it is
longer, but it helps me understand what is going on behind the covers...
especially the cryptic "pg_" tables.
Another example is "*use <database>*" in mysql - I spent a long time
searching for a similar command in PG.

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