Joshua Tolley <> writes:
> On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 03:10:30PM +1000, Data Growth Pty Ltd wrote:
>> Is there any significant performance problem associated with partitioning
>> a table into 2500 sub-tables?  I realise a table scan would be horrendous,
>> but what if all accesses specified the partitioning criteria "sid".  Such
>> a scheme would be the simplest to maintain (I think) with the best
>> localisation of writes.

> I seem to remember some discussion on pgsql-hackers recently about the number
> of partitions and its effect on performance, especially planning time.
> Unfortunately I can't find it right now, but in general the conclusion was
> it's bad to have lots of partitions, where "lots" is probably 100 or more.

It's in the fine manual: see last para of

                        regards, tom lane

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