Can anyone explain why the following query (used by AQT to display its tree):
SELECT trig.tgname, tab.relname, case trig.tgenabled when '1' then 'yes' else 'no' end, trig.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger trig, pg_catalog.pg_class tab, pg_catalog.pg_namespace nam WHERE trig.tgrelid=tab.oid AND tab.relnamespace=nam.oid AND nam.nspname ='public' -- ? ORDER BY 1 produces tgname like (from memory) RIFKConstraint...<number> while without the ORDER BY (and it doesn't matter how you identify the column) tgname displays correctly (well, the same as what you see if you SELECT * FROM pg_trigger). thanks, Robert -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: