Hello, I have migrated a 5 years old database from 8.1.21 running on top of centos 5.5 on an i686 to 8.4.4 running on top of centos on an x86_64 architecture.
I have some nested views and i am still able to get the results on 8.1.21 but when it comes to 8.4.4, I can get the results only from views that references other tables but the views references other views, I get an empty result set. Here is the output of explain on the two different machines. Can someone help me please: on 8.1.21: Subquery Scan v_tableau_de_bord_nevralgique_dcg (cost=6726.72..6727.11 rows=31 width=328) -> Sort (cost=6726.72..6726.80 rows=31 width=297) Sort Key: v_articles_sous_min_reappro_a_central_sfa.code_reapprovisionnement, v_articles_sous_min_reappro_a_central_sfa.article -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=6394.14..6725.96 rows=31 width=297) -> Nested Loop (cost=6394.14..6560.90 rows=28 width=224) -> Sort (cost=6394.14..6394.21 rows=28 width=234) Sort Key: v_situation_stock_sfa.nevralgique, v_situation_stock_sfa.total_ressources, v_situation_stock_sfa.code_reapprovisionnement , v_situation_stock_sfa.article -> HashAggregate (cost=6393.12..6393.47 rows=28 width=234) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=6291.29..6392.42 rows=28 width=234) -> Sort (cost=6291.29..6291.32 rows=13 width=82) Sort Key: t_articles_stock.code_reapprovisionnement, t_articles_stock.article -> HashAggregate (cost=6290.82..6291.05 rows=13 width=82) Filter: (GREATEST(sum(quantite_stock), 0::real) < min_reappro) -> Nested Loop (cost=3627.64..6290.49 rows=13 width=82) -> Merge Join (cost=3627.64..6191.86 rows=18 width=74) Merge Cond: ("outer".article = "inner".article) -> Merge Left Join (cost=3624.06..6119.89 rows=27248 width=64) Merge Cond: ("outer".article = "inner".article) -> Index Scan using "Articles_SNCFT_pkey" on t_articles_stock (cost=0.00..2353.27 rows= 27248 width=60) -> Sort (cost=3624.06..3636.47 rows=4963 width=8) Sort Key: v_ressources_par_article.article -> Subquery Scan v_ressources_par_article (cost=3158.11..3319.40 rows=4963 width= 8) -> GroupAggregate (cost=3158.11..3269.77 rows=4963 width=44) -> Sort (cost=3158.11..3170.51 rows=4963 width=44) Sort Key: t_ressources.article, t_articles_stock.nom -> Hash Left Join (cost=1140.60..2853.45 rows=4963 width=44) Hash Cond: ("outer".article = "inner".article) -> Seq Scan on t_ressources (cost=0.00..161.63 rows=4963 width=8) -> Hash (cost=845.48..845.48 rows=27248 width=40) -> Seq Scan on t_articles_stock (cost=0.00..845.48 rows=27248 width=40) -> Sort (cost=3.58..3.63 rows=18 width=10) Sort Key: t_valeurs_stock.article -> Index Scan using "idx_NEVRALGIQUE_T_VALEURS_STOCK" on t_valeurs_stock (cost=0.00..3. 21 rows=18 width=10) Index Cond: (nevralgique = true) Filter: (nevralgique IS TRUE) -> Index Scan using t_stocks_pkey on t_stocks (cost=0.00..5.47 rows=1 width=16) Index Cond: ((t_stocks.article = "outer".article) AND ((t_stocks.magasin)::text = 'Central de S FA'::text)) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_STOCKS" on t_stocks (cost=0.00..7.74 rows=2 width=8) Index Cond: ("outer".article = t_stocks.article) -> Index Scan using "Valeurs_Stock_pkey" on t_valeurs_stock (cost=0.00..5.93 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (t_valeurs_stock.article = "outer".article) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_RESSOURCES" on t_ressources (cost=0.00..5.88 rows=1 width=77) Index Cond: (t_ressources.article = "outer".article) on 8.4.4: Subquery Scan v_tableau_de_bord_nevralgique_dcg (cost=2463.43..2463.45 rows=2 width=886) -> Sort (cost=2463.43..2463.43 rows=2 width=775) Sort Key: t_articles_stock.code_reapprovisionnement, t_articles_stock.article -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=2430.17..2463.42 rows=2 width=775) -> Nested Loop (cost=2430.17..2446.84 rows=2 width=714) -> GroupAggregate (cost=2430.17..2430.25 rows=2 width=724) -> Sort (cost=2430.17..2430.17 rows=2 width=724) Sort Key: t_valeurs_stock.nevralgique, (GREATEST((sum(t_ressources.quantite)), 0::real)), t_articles_stock.code_reapprovision nement, t_articles_stock.article, t_articles_stock.nom, t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro, (GREATEST(sum(t_stocks.quantite_stock), 0::real)), t_stocks.unite_stock, t_valeurs_stock.achat_a_la_demande -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=2419.08..2430.16 rows=2 width=724) -> GroupAggregate (cost=2419.08..2419.13 rows=1 width=71) Filter: (GREATEST(sum(t_stocks.quantite_stock), 0::real) < t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro) -> Sort (cost=2419.08..2419.08 rows=1 width=71) Sort Key: t_articles_stock.code_reapprovisionnement, t_articles_stock.article, t_valeurs_stock.min_reappro, t_stocks.unite_stock, (sum(t_ressources.quantite)), t_valeurs_stock.nevralgique, t_valeurs_stock.achat_a_la_demande, t_articles_stock.nom -> Nested Loop (cost=2223.57..2419.07 rows=1 width=71) -> Merge Right Join (cost=2223.57..2410.77 rows=1 width=66) Merge Cond: (t_ressources.article = t_articles_stock.article) -> GroupAggregate (cost=2207.00..2327.33 rows=5348 width=40) -> Sort (cost=2207.00..2220.37 rows=5348 width=40) Sort Key: t_ressources.article, t_articles_stock.nom -> Hash Left Join (cost=1350.70..1875.83 rows=5348 width=40) Hash Cond: (t_ressources.article = t_articles_stock.article) -> Seq Scan on t_ressources (cost=0.00..154.48 rows=5348 width=8) -> Hash (cost=791.98..791.98 rows=27498 width=36) -> Seq Scan on t_articles_stock (cost=0.00..791.98 rows=27498 width=3 6) -> Sort (cost=16.57..16.58 rows=1 width=62) Sort Key: t_articles_stock.article -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..16.56 rows=1 width=62) -> Index Scan using "idx_NEVRALGIQUE_T_VALEURS_STOCK" on t_valeurs_stock (cost=0. 00..8.27 rows=1 width=10) Index Cond: (nevralgique = true) Filter: (nevralgique IS TRUE) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_ARTICLES_SNCFT" on t_articles_stock (cost=0.00 ..8.28 rows=1 width=52) Index Cond: (t_articles_stock.article = t_valeurs_stock.article) -> Index Scan using t_stocks_pkey on t_stocks (cost=0.00..8.29 rows=1 width=13) Index Cond: ((t_stocks.article = t_articles_stock.article) AND ((t_stocks.magasin)::text = 'Cen tral de SFA'::text)) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_STOCKS" on t_stocks (cost=0.00..11.00 rows=2 width=8) Index Cond: (t_articles_stock.article = t_stocks.article) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_VALEURS_STOCK" on t_valeurs_stock (cost=0.00..8.28 rows=1 width=8) Index Cond: (t_valeurs_stock.article = t_articles_stock.article) -> Index Scan using "idx_ARTICLE_T_RESSOURCES" on t_ressources (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=65) Index Cond: (t_ressources.article = t_articles_stock.article) -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general