On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 00:36 +0530, Sandeep Srinivasa wrote:
> yup I did. The reason why I wanted examples was to amply
> demonstrate,to clients, that postgresql is viable. 
> It is kinda weird if the only examples I have are restricted to the
> postgresql _community_ websites themselves.
Well you are kind of asking in the wrong place. You should be asking in
#drupal, #drupal-support, #drupal-ubercart or in the Drupal forums.

> This may sound irrelevant, but please do understand the huge
> opposition to have anything to do with PG in the whole CMS/e-store
> community. In fact I even saw a request to eliminate postgresql
> support in Drupal 7 (that was taken care of by the valiant efforts of
> the PG community) : http://drupal.org/node/337146

Yes, I know. I was part of that. I would note that topic was 2 years ago
and has since long died.

> Plus, it would have been interesting to know which version of Drupal,
> Ubercart, etc was being used for such deployments. Again, it is
> relevant because of certain (older) benchmarks which denote
> significantly worse performance because of the suboptimal way that

Latest 6.x release and latest Ubercart release.

>  Drupal integrates with Postgresql :
> http://mikkel.hoegh.org/blog/2008/oct/13/drupal-database-performance-mysql-postgresql/
> There has been _nothing_ to disprove the above numbers, ever since -
> please correct me if I am wrong.
You should read that "whole" blog. PostgreSQL does very well in
consideration of the environment. I would also note that there is no
reference to whether or not he tuned PostgreSQL or not. 

I have zero problems running Drupal with PostgreSQL and getting great
performance but then again I know enough to tune both Drupal, PHP and
PostgreSQL. Most people can't say that (I am not saying you can't).

> What does a person making a case for Postgres do in this situation ?

That is a tough one. I mean, prove it to him. Set up Drupal with
MySQL/Innodb and setup Drupal with PostgreSQL and do some tests. You can
also look for things like this:


That show the flexibility you get by using PostgreSQL.


Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
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