raf <r...@raf.org> writes:
> i'm having a little openssl problem with pg_dump over a wireless
> lan with postgres-8.4SS (on linux) from enterprisedb and
> a macosx-10.6 client.

> when i run pg_dump from a wired linux client it's always fine
> but since i switched from a macosx-10.4 laptop to a
> macosx-10.6 laptop, every time i run pg_dump from the laptop
> over the wireless lan, it's fine for a few minutes and then,
> 26% of the way in, it stalls and never completes.

What this sounds like is you've got an openssl library with deliberately
broken renegotiate behavior.  Google for CVE-2009-3555 to learn
something about why that might be.

Assuming that "8.4SS" actually means 8.4.3 or later, you can work around
this by setting ssl_renegotiation_limit to zero in the server.  But it'd
be better to get a copy of libssl with an actual fix, rather than a
braindead kluge, for the CVE problem.

I'm not real sure which of the two ssl libraries you've got is at fault
(they might both be :-()

                        regards, tom lane

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