2010/7/27 Dimitri Fontaine <dfonta...@hi-media.com>:
> Vincenzo Romano <vincenzo.rom...@notorand.it> writes:
>> Now, why doing this?
>> I am using a plain SEQUENCE to create a (kind of) "session ID". That
>> is simple but predictable.
>> The idea is to use this function in conjunction with encrypt (from
>> pgcrypto) and the blowfish algorithm
>> to make that sequence numbers somehow unpredictable.
>> I'm pretty sure there are better (or at least easier) solutions out
>> there, but there needs to be also some fun
>> in here.
> I think you'd be interested into the following:
>  http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Pseudo_encrypt

That solution has a limit I knew about: it only generates 31-bit values.
I could "easily" trick it to handle 62-bit. Then I decided to play that game ...
Vincenzo Romano
NotOrAnd Information Technologies

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