
I'd create myself copy of dictionary to be independent on system changes.

On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:

On 07/22/2010 07:44 PM, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
Don't guess, but read docs
12.6.2. Simple Dictionary

The simple dictionary template operates by converting the input token to lower case and checking it against a file of stop words. If it is found in the file then an empty array is returned, causing the token to be discarded. If not, the lower-cased form of the word is returned as the normalized lexeme. Alternatively, the dictionary can be configured to report non-stop-words as unrecognized, allowing them to be passed on to the next dictionary in the list.

d=# \dFd+ simple
                                          List of text search dictionaries
Schema | Name | Template | Init options | Description ------------+--------+-------------------+--------------+----------------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | simple | pg_catalog.simple | | simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword

By default it has no Init options, so it doesn't check for stopwords.

Guess what - I *have* read the docs which sais "...and checking it against a file of stop words". What was unclear to me was whether or not it was configured with a stopwords-file or not as default, which is not the case I understand from your reply. Very good, fits my needs like a glove:-) It might be worth considering updating the docs to make this clearer?

So - can we rely on "simple" to remain this way forever (no Init options) or is it better to make a copy of it with the same properties as today?

It seems "simple" + the unaccent dict. available in 9.0 saves my day, thanks Mr. Bartunov.

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

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