> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 4:05 AM, Davor J. <dav...@live.com> wrote:
> > It seems no secret that a child table will not fire a trigger defined on
> > it's parent table. Various posts comment on this. But nowhere could I
> find a
> > reason for this.
> Do you want your trigger that redirects insert on parent table to the
> proper child table should run on child tables too?

Well, inheritance is not used for partitioning ONLY. So, yes, for *my*
use cases I would appreciate being able to tell triggers defined on
parent tables to run on child tables when an insert/update/delete
happens on a child table. (We use inheritance for auditing and for
data aggregation.)

But since I am not in a position to code the necessary infrastructure
I won't complain about the status quo.



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