On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 20:33 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:

> That's a write rate of 34MB/min, or half a meg a second. Not pretty.
> Where's the load during the COPY? Mostly CPU? Or mostly disk I/O?
> Are you writing the output to the same disk the database is on?  (Not
> that it should make this much difference).
> > 3)      Find a solution when the file size become > 1GB
> That's going to be interesting.

> Do you really need to store whole XML documents this size in the
> database, rather than broken up into structures that can be worked with
> usefully in the database? If so, PostgreSQL might not be your best choice.

This is solution seems wrong as a whole. A file that size has no
business inside PostgreSQL. If he "really" needs a DB API to it, have a
point to the filesystem where the file lives and write a
pl-/perl/java/python/php/ruby function to slurp the XML from the
filesystem and hand it off.


> --
> Craig Ringer

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
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