Hi All,

We are a data based company and are migrating from Oracle to Postgresql. For 
this purpose I am doing POC for the same. We have a business requirement to 
send the Data in XML files to our clients. The file size of XMLs is around 
700MB and is growing.

I have been able to generate sample XML files and store the same(Still to test 
for full files).

However I have the following problems

1) It took 35 minutes to store 1 GB data in the TEXT column
(create table test_text_nearly_1_GB as select repeat('1', 1024*1024*1023):: 
text as nearly_1_GB)

2) It took 30 Minutes to write the same to OS using COPY command
 Copy test_text_nearly_1_GB to '$HOME/test_text_nearly_1_GB.xml'

However when I tested to write a table of size 3GB with 150000 rows it wrote to 
OS in 20 minutes.

I am looking for a solution to
1)      generate and write the 1GB file in OS in less than 10 minutes.
2)      write the file to OS the results of a query
3)      Find a solution when the file size become > 1GB

Please help.

Atul Goel
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